Adventure Box Technology AB (publ), corporate registration number 556963-6599 (the "Company"), hereby presents the following proposals for the Extraordinary General Meeting on December 30, 2024.
In accordance with proposals from major shareholders, it is proposed that the number of board members be set to seven ordinary members for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. Furthermore, it is proposed, in line with suggestions from major shareholders, that Duncan McIntyre be elected as a new board member for the same period. Board member Staffan Eklöw has announced that he will resign from his board position at his own request in connection with the meeting.
Duncan McIntyre is the CEO of Lion Gaming Group Inc. and has experience in the gaming market, including work with publicly listed companies on TSX and CSE. He has previously served as Chief Operating Officer of FansUnite Entertainment Inc. and as a board member of Perihelion Capital Limited. McIntyre is a qualified lawyer with accounting expertise in corporate structuring and regulatory compliance.
The Board proposes dismissing Grant Thornton Sweden AB, with Carl Niring as the principal auditor, from their assignment as the Company's auditor. It is instead proposed to appoint authorized public accountant Ben Heidari from FinEasity AB as the principal auditor for the Company until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. The proposal is the result of a recently conducted procurement of audit services as part of the Company's efforts to reduce costs. It is proposed that remuneration for the auditor be paid according to an approved invoice.